Down a Stream


Down a Stream


by Jenica Heintzelman

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Down a Stream explores the idea of how unresolved trauma can live in the physical body. Stemming from my own participation in mind-body interventions, I became fascinated with the notion of healing and the role of performance and belief in the process. The book includes reenactments of different healing modalities focusing on touch as well as mysterious domestic spaces. A world made of familiar spaces and gestures is transformed into strange encounters with themes of visual entrapment and an undercurrent of disquietude. Heavily influenced by hypnotherapy, the predominant purple ink evokes a dreamlike state and fragmented texts in metallic gold are rewritten portions from actual hypnosis sessions that shimmer in and out of legibility. Half pages are interspersed throughout the book to conceal and reveal information, referencing the disjointed memory that is so often associated with trauma. Tense muscles, bodies lifting other bodies and awkward embraces create an enigmatic experience with no easy resolution—a reflection of a healing process, at once unsettling and never fully complete.” –Jenica Heintzelman

Pages: 78
Binding: Perfect (PUR)
Paper: Mohawk Superfine, Mohawk Via, Neenah Astrobright, Newsprint
Size: 9.75" × 12"
Edition: 100
Printing: Risograph (Purple, Gold, Red, Yellow)
Typeface: Burgess by Colophon